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Old 03-21-2011, 03:06 AM   #28 (permalink)
Killed Laura Palmer
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Ashland, KY
Posts: 1,679

This is me talking to me:

- When people told you, "Before you can love someone else, you need to love yourself," they weren't completely full of shit. Self-loathing really gets in the way.

- High school should really be the time of your life; you have to grow up afterwards, and probably won't even see 99% of those people on a regular basis again after graduation, so there was no reason not to live it up a little.

- The majority of people don't think they're "too good" for you, and to think otherwise is completely paranoid.

- The amount of people who are extremely talented actors + not child-frighteningly ugly is a lot smaller than previously believed.

- You can spend $100 every 2 weeks and survive, saving the rest of your money. Within a year, you will have enough saved to get the hell out of Ashland. (I'm in the process of this one right now, but should have started much, much sooner)

- You really did love E...and she loved you, too. You both knew what you were getting into when it started, but you got scared and ran away. That will probably haunt you forever.

- Don't throw away mixtapes from your exes. They won't be depressing someday, and they'll actually often give you a nice, nostalgic happiness remembering the songs.

- Don't try to learn lines in the bathtub; you will drop the script in the water every single time, no matter what you tell yourself to the contrary beforehand.

It's a hand-me-down, the thoughts are broken
Perhaps they're better left unsung
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