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Old 03-27-2011, 02:17 PM   #111 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by crukster View Post
In my experience a lot of atheists tend to be pretty evasive about that. The ones I've talked to online (which maybe don't represent the core of atheism and are probably just angry 12 year olds) tend to go by the rule of, while they're telling you how bad religion is, atheism is not a religion or group of any sort, it's just the name "given to them" like infidel or heathen.

But outside of the discussion/in another discussion, those same people argue atheism deserves as much respect as any religion because the choice of "non-belief" (in what tends to be specifically the Abrahamic Faiths) is in itself, apparently a belief and a group. It's hypocrisy.

I think it's stupid. If you truly don't believe in any religion, then there is no relevant word or group you're a part of, religiously speaking. Where you'd write "place your religion here" you'd leave a blank space surely.

That's why generally speaking I don't like atheism, don't respect it. If someone choose not to believe in a religion, or for that matter ANY religion, or God at all, then fine I respect that that's their choice.

But not atheism - atheism to me, equals anti-belief, and nothing in it's own right. I think atheism is arguably the way of the anti-christ, the false messiah, the serpent.

It's completely different from not-believing. People have crisis of faith, people choose not to believe, thats up to them, its not anti- anything it's just the way they go.

But to devote yourself to being ANTI- anything, well then, you cant go and ask for respect from those people. And thats what atheism is imo - anti-religion.
I'll say right off the bat that I consider myself an atheist and I'm not angry or a 12 year old. I'm pretty uncaring about labels, but by definition I would be an atheist since atheism is basically the non-belief in a God or Gods. I don't know why you equate atheism with anti-religion. I know some atheists are anti-religion but that's not what atheism is.

For myself, religion just is not a part of my life. It isn't something I really think about or care about. I don't care what others believe in either, though I do find it stupid that some people let religion run their lives. I personally don't consider atheism a religion. Like you said in your first paragraph, I consider atheism a term given to people who do not believe in a God.
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