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Old 04-26-2011, 11:54 PM   #677 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Jester View Post
Dude, teenagers to white people IS NOT a valid analogy, no matter how you look at it. In an analogy, teenagers cannot compare to white people. They're WAY TOO DIFFERENT. As a group, white people INCLUDE teenagers. This analogy is logically fallacious, I'm pretty sure. I can't remember the name, though! (This is clearly me trying to show off my VAST KNOWLEDGE because I'm such an elitist. )
NO SHIT. Of course the analogy is falacious, just as falacious as your original generalization was, THAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT.

Originally Posted by Jester
But it's a fucking fact that a majority wouldn't, "no matter how you try to paint it."
It is in no way a fact. It is your opinion which you formed based on a generaliation that you made. It's not even arguing semantics at this point, you seem completely unaware of your own ignorance.

Originally Posted by Jester
That other guy suggested that Aesop Rock's target fan base was teens.
I disagree that teens are his target fanbase (as I've never claimed otherwise). But I would imagine that Aesop Rock appreciates all of his listeners equally, no matter who he was targeting his music at.

Originally Posted by Jester
My point: teenagers, in general, are not likely to be Aesop Rock's target audience, because if they were, he probably would not take such a complex approach, because your average teenager is likely to be turned off by the amount of things in the lyrics that they won't have come across yet.
If you would have stated your opinion like this in the first place, you could have avoided 2 pages of bickering.

Originally Posted by Jester
For example, the dude's like a walking dictionary--you can't tell me his vocabulary is not above your average 15 year old's vocab. If you are telling me that, you can pretty much suck my dick.
And who are you to attest that he doesn't spend hours on end utilizing thesauruses and dictionaries to write his lyrics. Using complex words doesn't equate to being "deep" or "meaningful." And you need to watch your smartass mouth. This may be an internet forum, but running your mouth is bad karma. You may end up getting stomped the fuck out and having your wifey getting stripped naked right in front of you (kharmically speaking of course).

Originally Posted by Jester
Uhhhh... Yeah, people who only learn what is taught to them are lazy and don't seek knowledge. You're telling me there's no people who actively, like... read, and learn on their own, through their own interests?
I never made a differentiation between the two. You tried to demean people for learning by being taught by others. How does that differ from actively doing research on your own? You're still reading books that were written by other people, and not introducing anything new to the equation.

Originally Posted by Jester
Oh, wow. LOL. Anyone out of middle school can write Aesop Rock's songs. Wow, I really don't even know what to say to that. You don't see the craftsmanship in Aesop Rock's work? Everything he's said amounts to middle school knowledge... That's an impossible conclusion to arrive at. Sorry, what the fuck?
It's called arguing to the extreme. I'm trying to make you realize that you're erroneously holding him up on some pedestal like he is the greatest lyricist in the history of music.

Originally Posted by Jester
Well, they're both writers with unique artistic styles. I've seen a lot of people write off Aesop Rock as nonsensical, and in school, an overwhelming majority of my peers wrote off Shakespeare as nonsensical, too; complaining that people probably "look too much into him," and that he didn't really have as many subtle messages as teachers claim he do.
Anyone who believes that Aesop Rock has contributed more unique and astounding work to society than William Shakespeare has absolutely ZERO understanding of art or literature. You need a CT scan homie.

Originally Posted by Jester
That doesn't mean other people's interpretations are wrong, because different words and sounds and ideas click to us differently. I'm saying that the artist doesn't get to decide who's right, the interpretation is pretty much up to the audience. Whatever they see is what they see. The artist just tries to guide them to interpret things a certain way; that doesn't make their interpretation wrong.
Actually, if the artist exlplains what the lyrics mean, but the listener disagrees, the listener is absolutely wrong. If I draw you a picture of a racecar and tell you that it is a racecar, but you swear up and down that you think it looks more like a squirrel, YOU ARE WRONG.

Originally Posted by Jester
Hey, infidel, it's called conscious rap. And Aesop Rock wouldn't just fall under that category, lol.
Yes, back up your opinions by being a grammar and spelling Nazi, that will really help your credibility. "Conscious" rap is an umbrella term, which Aesop Rock most definitely falls under. And don't call me an "infidel," it makes you sound like an even bigger douche.

Originally Posted by Jester
Look, did you have a tough time growing up, or some shit? Because you're getting awfully sensitive about me not sympathizing with all the smart kids out there. I know they're out there. But that's not what I'm talking about right now. Do you feel like you're not recognized for your great ideas, man? Do you need some people to tell you that you're a smart guy?
Yes, thank you for finally realizing what is really going on here! My mommy didn't hug me enough as a child, so I go on to internet forums to pick fights with people who are elitists in an attempt to appease the massive black hole this is my tortured soul. Seriously dude, get a life.

Originally Posted by Jester
But don't come on goddamn forums complaining about how teenagers are so so smart.
You're the one that pops up on here towing the line for an artist simply because others don't agree that he is Christ incarnate. Get off Aesop Rock's dick for two seconds and look around buddy, there's more important things in life than being an elitist douche.
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