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Old 05-18-2011, 01:42 PM   #211 (permalink)
The Omniscient
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Reno, Nevada, USA
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Originally Posted by ParadoxQ View Post
Hm. This is not really constructive critisism, but really more about how I as a person don't like the lyrics. I find them too outgoing and I don't enjoy the flow in that many of them. With that said I don't dislike every song you have, I like some of the metafors you got like "poisonous snake, but the venom is dry".

If I should give you a little tip, you should try to let go of all the cursing words. One a song is enough, more makes the song sound like one of those dirty nu-metal "wanna sound badass"-songs, if you get me.

Peace out dude
Honestly, I wasn't ever going to reply to this because I was wasn't sure you would be back around given your low post-count.

I appreciate your honesty. Im well aware that not everybody is going to like my stuff, so it's no big deal that you don't. Umm... I could be wrong, but maybe you don't enjoy the flow because of the way you're reading it... obviously you can't know exactly how I mean it to sound... or maybe you just genuinely don't like it, idk.

I try not to curse alot, but sometimes it can't be helped. I think some of my best stuff is written without cursing, so obviously it's something that I need to do less of, but it's a hard habit to break.

I appreciate it, buddy.
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