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Old 06-11-2011, 12:07 AM   #73 (permalink)
Al Dente
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I think something to posit here as an aside to the debate regarding whether or not Jesus existed, is what the lack of historical record surrounding his life and crucifiction implies.

For one, the Roman empire was notoriously thorough in keeping records of everything that happened. There are no roman records of Jesus life or death and all the upheaval that the gospels portray as surrounding the passion of christ. This means that he was a person who never existed or someone who's ministry and death were greatly exagerated in the new testament. Essentially, in the 30 year span between Jesus' death and the first gospel, Jesus was deified. If the accounts of Jeus' life were accurate there would have at least been records of his dealings with Pontious Pilate. There are not.

Secondly, Christian doctrine had been established prior to the compilation of the biblical canon, namely The New Testament. In case nobody is aware, Christian doctrine was essentially voted upon by a committee at the Council of Nicaea If you're a christian that will blow your mind, and yes, it is historically documented fact. The tricky part here is that only scriptures that perfectly aligned with Christian doctrine were included in The New Testament. There are more relevant scriptures that are contemporary with the life of Christ that have been left out of the New Testament than are included in it. What's more, all subsequent interpretation and translations of the New Testament have been filtered through the lens of doctrine and political agenda.

Obviously that's the tip of the iceburg. What we know of as the Holy Bible is quite possibly the most disfigured and disjointed compilation of literature that the world may know, so in my mind his existence is a moot point. I like to believe that Jesus existed because my subversive nature really jives with his story. I also like to believe that if most holier-than-though holy roller Christians saw Jesus lurking anywhere near their home, they'd probably lock all the doors and call the police. I don't think Jesus was the messiah or the son of god, but I choose to believe he existed. Why? Because I think he was a badass.
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