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Old 06-12-2011, 01:58 PM   #462 (permalink)
Paedantic Basterd
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Originally Posted by crash_override View Post
Here's where we disagree, I don't believe in the hiding of information. We are not dogs, we shouldn't be expected to be happy with our dog treats while we watch you eat a steak (pardon the stupid analogy). Holding back facts and essentially sitting on pertinent inforamtion is obviously going to breed a certain level on distrust between mods and regular members. When you make it obvious that you're hiding certain facts, why wouldn't we assume you're hiding others as well?
The withholding of facts is meant to take focus off of the banned and the victim, re-direct it on staff, and ultimately reduce the amount of inevitable drama. Other than you being curious and mistrusting, revealing information will solve literally nothing. It will extend the distress of the person who was verbally abused, it will increase the infamy of the user who was banned, and it will open up a massive can of worms amongst all users as to whether or not it was "fair", because everyone has a different opinion subjected to their bias for or against other users. All I am seeing is gossip, and nothing beneficial can come from increasing the drama. Publicizing information can also negatively effect the person who was abused, and that's another excellent reason not to share all the details.
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