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Old 08-17-2005, 03:48 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SATCHMO
Americans are a bunch of arrogant elitist pigs. Did we care what language that Mexicans spoke when we stole a large portion of their country away from them and made it ours. Some of you act like English is the indigenous language of this country. There's not a Mexican alive that doesn't have more of a right to be here than any so-called American does.
Elitist pigs? Generalize much? I hate Bush and the stereotypical average dumb American and ignorance as much as many and am liberal in many views (more in the middle actually). I even would have rather died as a "race traitor" with the Indians had I lived way back then, and still died with self-respect. Truth be told, I'm all for a universal language, but until that happens, it should be seen as a sign of respect to know at least enough to converse with what the majority of the nation speaks as a common language in most businesses and public places. If many Americans moved to France, and somehow figured a way to milk the system, but wanted no part in being "multicultural" or learning anything about them or their country even including enough French language to just say a few things, I would most definitely not expect them to start kissing our @sses (we'd be demonified). How come we never see "English or Japanese?" questions anywhere since they at least try to fit in more often or act like they give a damn to AND usually don't come here illegally?

Regardless of America's f*cked up pastEnglish may as well be an indigenous language here, like Spanish would be in their home nation. Many Mexicans and even many other non-Mexican minorities come here and learn at least that much. If they are a tourist, it's different, otherwise they should be treated as EQUAL citizens including taxation. I would like to see the Native Americans be given back a lot more than what they have. And I never said that Mexicans didn't have as much right to be here. Just learn to communicate with people like say, me, if you are going to live and work here. Be multicultural. I'd have no problem, the other way around, whatsoever.

Originally Posted by adidasss
i don't think that the indigenous minorities should learn how to speak the language of the majority
I fully agree there. I just meant immigrants to "foreign lands", though.
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