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Old 02-08-2012, 10:49 AM   #18072 (permalink)
midnight rain
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
When my social anxiety was bad, it often helped to remind myself that most people really aren't scrutinizing and judging me, and I wasn't under a microscope, simply due to the fact that most people are relatively unaware of what's going on around them while they're preoccupied in their own little lives. Incidentally, this is probably also supported by the sheer number of car accidents and shopping aisle blockages.
I always remark on how little people are actually aware of around them, and I certainly don't remember ever remarking about someone's unusually perceptive actions.

Keeping that in mind took the edge off.

What got me a LOT better, so far permanently, was having to take a speech class in college. It's the absolute most terrifying situation to be in when you suffer from social anxiety. What I began to notice was I wasn't the only one who was nervous up there, although stage fright isn't really a disorder and is common. So that helped a bit, but only in the short term. The entire semester was mentally brutal for me.
What happened, though, was I actually made it through and did well. I didn't notice that I was no longer so anxious in public until I had finished the semester off.
Overcoming that class has made the more mundane things seem like a cakewalk. Now I'm actually outgoing in public in situations where I'd just be pretending boredom or being silent.

I guess it's the equivalent of exposure therapy, but in a terrifying dose that assures you of your ability to handle every day stuff after "surviving" it.
Good to see another person with social anxiety cause I'm pretty sure I have it from what you said. Another thing that helps me is to realize that not everyone's going to like you and you shouldn't live your life for other's approval or something like that. Like that guy over there might think I wallk funny, or that girl might think my hair looks stupid but who really gives a **** cause you can't change other people's minds (or their first impressions, at least) and chances are that even if they notice something about you (which they probably don't, I think I just fabricate most of it in my head) the thought doesn't cross their mind for more than a couple of seconds before they go back to caring about their own lives. I just like to say people who'd even judge these miniscule details aren't really worth my time anyways.

I like to think I'm getting better about it with age, but I still have those days where I want to do nothing but look at the ground, and basically get away from other people as fast as possible. That's low self-esteem for you.
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