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Old 02-16-2012, 02:28 AM   #122 (permalink)
Stoned and Jammin' Out
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Well in the UC Davis case, those were University Police. Not even the town cops, which are fairly herp-derp themselves (though, yes, some are nice and proper - many are not).

Apparently the chancellor wanted them removed. The chancellor of the UC system wanted the protesters off her lawn. They had set up a protest that day to show solidarity with their sister school's protesters at famous UC Berkeley. Protesters at UC Berkeley were thrashed a bit and sprayed with pepper spray. And Berkeley used to be the hotbed of protest. So back on track, the students AND faculty that cared were showing solidarity and they ironically were also pepper-sprayed. Somewhere along the line, things changed to the point where peaceful assembly and protesting is not okay. And I don't really know when that happened. It's pretty sad.

Also, that "pepper spray" is dark orange because it is bear mace. I make sure to call it what it is. It's not simply pepper spray, which is bad enough. One of the students was throwing up blood for 15 minutes after being sprayed. They endured not one round, but two. First, how is the officer (shown in the video for frame of reference) going to walk up and spray them while they're sitting there quietly? Isn't there another procedure? Like cuff them and lead them away one by one? [Try leaving them alone would be the best answer in this case]. Two, you've sprayed them already. They're feeling the effects. You go for round two with the spray? How is that not over the top? It's debatable if the first one was necessary, but the second round surely was not called for.

In other settings where the police/riot police have been called to deal with protesters like the Occupy in New York at Wall St., or at Oakland, CA, I can't comment extensively on. But in most cases it seems as if the police will make false flag antagonism to give reason to shut them down with force, It used to be you could protest and not expect to be harmed or injured by the police because of it. But those days, for now, are gone it seems.

Last edited by Mrd00d; 02-16-2012 at 02:34 AM.
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