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Old 03-10-2012, 01:11 PM   #349 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
I think both people both from the science and religious communities would admit that there are things in this universe we don't have a understanding nor have knowledge of yet. The divide isn't that what we know in this (physical) universe, what we can plainly see and learn about - the divide is about the spiritual. The argument (debate or dialogue whatever you want to call) about God existence is square one and we (both atheist and theist) can't even get passed square one. I can agree 99.99...% of what science has to offer and even how the universe was created but that one little statement that what most won't say - God created the universe - forget about it, it's just an never ending argument. There is no real dialogue. If there was an intelligent religious person here to balance the argument why would he bother?
I'm very open to the impossibility of god, though, and there's just not enough evidence to prove to me that there isn't such a thing. Our understanding of the universe is always evolving, Im not sure if well ever understand everything; Chances are we probably won't. I'm mostly agnostic, I think it requires a leap of faith on both ends of the spectrum, whether you believe in god or not.

I agree that saying "god is in your mind" isn't a dismissal of validity of god. I think it's very probable that this is the case. And maybe when we die, there is a hallucination of an after-life. It doesn't make it any less real, to me.
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