Music Banter - View Single Post - U.S. Election Day — Obama vs. Romney
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Old 09-12-2012, 10:29 PM   #33 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2005
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If voting made any difference, they wouldn't let us do it.

Basically, the only sane choice is Jill Stein. Check this out son:

Along the lines of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal solution to the Great Depression, Jill Stein advocates a "Green New Deal"[34] in which renewable energy jobs would be created to address climate change and environmental issues with the objective of employing "every American willing and able to work". Citing the research of Dr. Phillip Harvey, Professor of Law & Economics at Rutgers University, as evidence of the successful economic effects of the 1930s' New Deal projects, Stein would fund the plan with a 30% reduction in the U.S. military budget, returning US troops home, and increasing taxes on areas such as capital gains, offshore tax havens and multimillion dollar real estate. Stein plans on impacting what she sees as a growing convergence of environmental crises in water, soil, fisheries and forests, through the creation of sustainable infrastructure based in clean renewable energy generation and sustainable communities principles such as increasing intra-city mass transit and inter-city railroads, creating 'complete streets' that safely encourage bike and pedestrian traffic and regional food systems based on sustainable organic agriculture.
Welcome to the roaring twenties. It's a shame that the Green Party has little to no support among the plebs they fight for, and that possible legislation could enable such a radical and amazing new ideology as to enable complete economic and social equality or decentralization of wealth. **** is real son, Green Party trying to save the world one dirty hippie at a time.

"Sup niggas, I'm here to be your savior. **** everything, it's first female president time YOLO".

Can you not imagine that happening? Probably not because most of the wack ass voters ain't going to read about how this bitch is gonna Captain Planet this country.
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