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Old 02-06-2013, 10:25 AM   #8 (permalink)
Urban Hat€monger ?
The Sexual Intellectual
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
I don't see the following option:

"Whiskey had long ago set out to be the world's largest pole collector. As an admirer of poles, he sought to find and/or create as many as he could, simply to be surrounded by such a variety of poles of all lengths, girths, and hues. When he arrived here at this forum, he saw the option to create a poll in threads. 'Silly forum administrators', he thought, 'you spelled poles wrong.' He then began to create polls. But much to his dismay, nothing was happening. 'Stupid forum, you are inadequate at pole creation', he thought. Yet, Whiskey was a determined young man, and no matter how many silly, illiterate administrators there were here, nor how bad this forum is at creating poles, he fought on. And to this day, he is still fighting."

Why is this not an option?
It should be.
Here you are people, this is what Vegangelica considers abuse. So next time you make a post make sure it's not as bad as this or we'll ban your asses.

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