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Old 02-27-2013, 05:13 PM   #2088 (permalink)
Mate, Spawn & Die
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Originally Posted by Lisnaholic View Post
I agree with Neapolitan, that your comment is a little unjustified, Franco Pepe Kalle - after all, although not widely discussed, Franco The Musician was occassionally mentioned in MB before your arrival.

I have no problem with your enthusiasm for Franco and for so consistently recommending his music, but paradoxically, by naming yourself after him, you may be doing his cause a disservice. If you put "Franco" into the MB search function, it lists all references to yourself, at the musician`s expense. Similarly, for many MB members I`m sure the name Franco brings to mind Franco The Poster and not Franco The Musician. On MB at least, I think you are in danger of overshadowing the very musicians that you wanted to spotlight.
For me the name Franco brings to mind the Spanish dictator to be honest.
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