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Old 09-17-2013, 07:15 PM   #2 (permalink)
Lord Larehip
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Join Date: Jun 2013
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A co-worker told me this one: he was heading home from work and was on the expressway which was moving slowly in the rush hour traffic. At one point, he looked down at the curb and saw something so horrible that it took him a moment to realize was it was: a middling sized dog in a crouched position. What was horrible about it was that it had no head and no front paws. Both had been chopped clean off--seemingly in the same fell swoop. Like a large blade wielded with savage speed cut right through the dog's neck and front paws.

The rest of the animal was intact--back, belly, back legs, tail. He wasn't sure what kind of dog it had once been. I offered that perhaps a large truck ran over its front section as it tried to cross the freeway. But he said there was nothing else there. Surely, if the dog met its end that way, the head and paws would have left a nasty stain on the concrete but there was nothing. If someone had left it there, why? And they would have had to pose it since it was sitting upright which would be very unlikely if it was pushed or thrown from a vehicle.

He said when he first saw it, it took him a second to realize that he was looking down the bloody stump of its open throat. "It was sicker than sick," he said.
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