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Old 10-16-2013, 03:31 AM   #67 (permalink)
Master, We Perish
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I was always meaning to answer this but woops.

Originally Posted by DriveYourCarDownToTheSea View Post
BTW, since you're young, at some point in your life you might experience something like what I did: Somewhere around 1990 I mostly stopped paying attention to new music, because that's when Grunge came out. I had a roommate who was into Nirvana and the like, and he used to play them all the time, and I thought to myself, "What's the big deal? This sounds just like Neil Young's hard rock version of 'My My Hey Hey.'" Some guys moaning into a microphone. So I thought, if the latest and greatest thing was something that sounded just like something that was already more than 10 years old, then rock/pop music must be going downhill, and it wasn't worth the bother anymore. Couple that with the fact that that's when rap started becoming really popular, which I couldn't stand. The only time between then and in June (when you got me listening to AC) that I payed attention to anything "new" was a brief period about 10 years ago when I started listening to some Brazilian music (some guy on another forum encouraged me to listen to this, which is really great stuff). Anyway, the point is, I think there might be a point in a lot of people's lives when they run across some "new" stuff they don't think is all that great, and figure that means music is going downhill, so they stop paying attention to new stuff. That might be a natural inclination anyway - most people only have so much time to listen to music, and can't spend so much time checking out every new band that comes along, so the slightest excuse to tune out new stuff means they'll do just that and stick with their own true-and-tried material.

EDIT: It was also shortly after 1990 that I really started getting into some Classical music as well. That probably distracted me from paying attention to anything new as much as my disinterest in grunge and rap.
I think the hype killed it there, like how I can hardly listen to MGMT or Vampire Weekend because they're just so adored that it distracts me from what they do well - pretty much, I think what they do isn't that impressive, but I can't tell if it's because of the hype, if it's the core of my feelings, or a mixture of both. I know I hate MGMT because it seems like they soak up all the success that could be AC's so I'm just a mad hater in tht respect, but with Vampire Weekend they seem to have this really pretentious air about them while not writing that great of songs, just spinoffs of Pet Sounds and Paul Simon with some new instruments.

Basically, I think it's a skepticism you show mostly because of hype, especially when the music is being branded as truly original or something similar. There are a lot of rappers that i can't get into for this hype surrounding them as well as other bands, and it does make me tune out a little, but I'm also am in the rediscovering process, back into Neil Young and the Beach Boys and Beatles when I'm not listening to some favorite new stuff. I don't think it's because of my aversion to hype, it's just how I'm working - maybe that's where my age comes in. I am on the boarder of real adulthood and technical childhood (teenage bullshiit) so maybe I'm recovering all the sounds from when I was a little dude. I'm sure Freud has a theory.

But I'm still into some new things, just a little later than everyone else. If it's brand new, like debut album this year new, I'm probably not into it. Hype actually does guide me in some ways, because if a band's around long enough and is still talked about with the new people around (like AC or Mastodon or the Shins are) then I'll check it, because it must be cool, but that newness is relative, or non-existent. The newest album I've bought is John Maus' one from 2011, and I only heard it last year. I kinda like living behind like that though.

Point is, I'm not sure, but I think hype is bad, kind of.
Originally Posted by WhateverDude View Post
Laser beams, psychedelic hats, and for some reason kittens. Surrel reminds me of kittens.
^if you wanna know perfection that's it, you dumb shits
Spoiler for guess what:
|i am a heron i ahev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans
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