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Old 07-30-2004, 02:45 AM   #164 (permalink)
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 12

Originally Posted by IamAlejo
Hmmm...where to start, where to start. I'll start with North Korea. Bush has already labeled North Korea as a member of the "axis of evil" with Iraq and Iran. I truly believe that we WOULD be in North Korea now if 1. We weren't already in Iraq and 2.North Korea wasn't so close to China. China isn't to fond of us getting to close to them, especially since we know they hate their Communist Government. Example=Korean War. I truly think that all you people that say oil is a reason are just truly trying to find something that isn't there. No WMD have been found, yet weapons that Iraq was not supposed to have based on UN (not US) guidelines HAVE been found. Long Distance Missiles. I also believe Iraq was attacked because there was more of a fear that Hussein could have an easier effect of helping terrorist organizations in the Middle East. Being in the Middle East, I think that Bush was trying to send a message that Terrorism would not be something that happens without a response. Going into Iraq and Afghanistan was almost a joint effort. Both are located close, and that could have posssibly been another reason.

(african stuff removed)

Just... no.

"Gen. Thomas A Schwartz, a former US army commander in Korea, stated that the US army in Korea would be destroyed in less than three hours."

N. Korea actually happens to be a formidable enemy with a treaty with China. The treaty states that if North Korea is invaded, China will send as many troops as needed to defend N. Korea. If N. Korea attacks someone, then they will only send people to be on defense, not front lines.

A Nation is only sovereign over 19km from the coast line (except for the US we extend 370km)... yet the N. Koreans consistently enforce a 200km rule and turn away US spy planes. This is against international law, but they do not care and want sovereignty over their waters.

They have 600km of tunnels or more and have been building them with underground facilities since the vietnam war, precision bombing will not do anything. Our best bunker busters can go through 40m of rock, the highest underground tunnel is 80m under the groundlevel.

US Tanks are made for open field battle, like Iraq. Korea is a mountanious area, with deep rivers. The Koreans have tanks that can go into 6m deep water, travel rougher terrain, and are faster.

I could go on but N Koreans are not like Iraqi's. The Iraq's give up... the NKors fight till the end or kill themselves (as seen when a crew abandoned ship at a S. Korean shore). North Korea's militias consist of 1.6 million self-defense units, 100,000 people's guards, 3.9 million workers militia, 900,000 youth guard units. These militias are tasked to defend the homeland. The militias are fully armed and undergo military trainings regularly. As far as the enlisted military goes.. South Korea has 19 infantry divisions whereas North Korea has 80 divisions and brigades.

They are not a target Bush is stupid enough to attack...

all this information was pulled from
so if you want to cross reference go ahead
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