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Old 11-24-2013, 11:03 AM   #116 (permalink)
Lord Larehip
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Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 899

Having raised two girls, I would say DON'T have kids unless it is absolutely what you want to do. DON'T have them because all your friends have them or some stupid s-hit like that. It doesn't work that way. When they're born, they yell and scream and whine at all hours of the day and night. They piss and s-hit whenever and wherever they feel like it--it's horrible. The fu-ck s-hit up like drawing on the wallpaper with magic marker and s-hit like that. They make a lot of noise and you actually prefer that to them being quiet because when they're quiet you'd better go find what they're f-ucking up to because they are up to something. Kids are never quiet unless they're up to something.

Then there's the fighting and arguing which they do with each other endlessly. But once the hit their teens, then it's you they fight and argue with endlessly. And if you think they were rotten as young kids, you just wait until they hit their teens!!

By the time they start to turn into adults and start to become the fine human beings you raised them to be and start being people you really do want to spend time with, they're 18 and they up and beat it on you--off to college, off to work, gotta get their own place and all that s-hit--and you rarely see them anymore.

And before you can say, "So that's it?" That's it.
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