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Old 06-05-2014, 06:15 PM   #93 (permalink)
All day jazz and biscuits
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I felt the need to update certain people who cared enough on what is going on with my brother.

Some of you may know what he has been in trouble with the law recently. In short, he was arrested for attempting to rob a gas station with a machete for drug money. He turned 21 years old today. Well, he's in jail.

His big court date was on Monday. They were deciding whether or not he was eligible for drug court which would have led to him missing jail time. The jail time he would have served if he had not gotten in would be close to five years. He was given drug court but was ordered to pass weekly drug tests until they could get him into rehab on July 2nd. If he failed a test, they would revoke his bail and stick him in county lockup so that he could be safe and not OD on drugs. Well, he failed the first test he was given. He tested positive for heroin, weed, and crack cocaine. The crack was a real shocker to me but I knew of the heroin use.

For months my brother has been claiming he has been clean but over the last couple weeks things started disappearing again and he would disappear for hours only to return a zombie. He would fall asleep with cigarettes in his hand and almost light the house on fire. Now, I moved out two months ago so I've been steering clear of the destruction but my parents are spent. My dad is severely depressed and my mother, while strong as ever, is getting tired.

Oh, I forgot about this. Three weeks ago my brother stopped breathing because he took eight percocet at once. My mother had to give him CPR and ultimately saved his life. He got arrested with possession of heroin, xanax, and weed a week and a half later.

So, now he's in jail until June 23rd by which he'll be transferred to a long term rehab, perhaps being there for a couple months I hope. When he gets out his drug probation starts and if he fails a drug test he goes to jail for his original crime, the robbery, and will be in jail for five years.

So it's up to him. I am all over the place with it. I think I'm fine and then I'll just start crying out of nowhere. I did it the other day when I got pulled over by cops. I started arguing with them about how I didn't do anything wrong. I never do this. I'm always polite. One of the cops spotted something was wrong and asked me if I was okay and I just started losing it. They let me go. Other times I'm very angry at him, like when I talk to my dad and see wgat he has done to him. I know I'll be enjoying the time off from him and so will my parents whether they like it or not.

Well, there you have it. It's in his hands now. Hopefully he doesn't spend the rest of his life in jail or in a casket. It's all on him.

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