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Old 07-09-2014, 06:33 PM   #5500 (permalink)
Ba and Be.
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: This Is England
Posts: 17,331

1. What was your favorite place to go as a child?
Camping in a place called Cannock Chase which is a protected area. Miles and miles of woodland that had walks that lasted all day denoted by trees painted with a different colour strip that you would follow each day so each day would be different. Couple this with the camping in a far corner of a farmers field and getting fresh bread each morning from the farmhouse. The smell of freshly baked bread still takes me back there.

2. What was the worst/most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you on a date?
Only had one date in the last 3 years since becoming a single dad and they spent most of their time on their phone on facebook and occasionally proffering up a photo on the phone. Since saying no thanks they have been almost begging me to go back to them. Too late.

3. If you could indulge in any vice without consequence (ie smoking without ever getting cancer), what vice would it be?
Gambling. I don't gamble at all but if I never lost any money I'm up for that. Apart from that a bottle of JD everyday would be rather nice.

4. What's your favorite kind of pizza?
My pizzas must be A) topped with fresh rocket B) have plenty of chilli and mushrooms and C) not contain fruit. Pineapple on a Pizza is just wrong. Apart from that I am equally happy to eat a veggie or meat pizza.

5. What's the stupidest thing you've done in recent memory?
I can't remember

6. If a band wrote a concept album about your life, what band would it be? What would the track list be? And what would the album be called?
It would be a collaboration between Fink and The Fall entitled 'I Fink then I Fall' it would be obtuse, angry, vehement, wistful and laden with pathos.

“A cynic by experience, a romantic by inclination and now a hero by necessity.”
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