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Thread: Nicki Minaj
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Old 08-26-2014, 02:54 AM   #432 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by WhateverDude View Post
The qualm that I have with these kinds of videos, and maybe it's not a fair one to have, is that

they kind of reinforce this idea that to be a sexual female pop star you still have to cater towards perhaps backwards and overwhelmingly predominantly male fantasies. not that that's in all cases inherently wrong. but this one in particular doesn't really seem to espouse any sort of feminine sexuality, just women doing (seemingly exclusively) what men want. and, from what i've seen, that's what the vast majority of female sexuality in popular media is made out to be. What kind of example does that set? Not just for women, mind you.

I'm not tryna step on anyone's toes here or shift the discussion so far off course it's just something I've been thinking about. I am totally not an expert so if anyone wants to school me like, get on it.
Well said!

This was the point I was trying to make. I know sometimes my point doesn't come out the way I intend it to but this was well on the mark!

To add to your point I would say, I think it is sad that these female pop star's and record labels try to mask these stereotypes by calling them "feminism" because that is not want feminism is. They know that girls and young teens are their primary audience and they create songs that cater to them but they make the music videos for the men.

If they want to sell sex, then sell sex but don't call it feminism or call it empowerment because it is not. It just reinforces a lot of negative stereotypes that women for years have tried to detach from.
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