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Old 08-26-2014, 09:07 AM   #74 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth View Post
not sure what you mean about globalization. but regardless of how it started it's not a necessity anymore. in fact it's pretty wasteful compared to farming veggies. can't you just admit people have no problem killing cows cause they taste good
I mean people no longer have to rely on locally sourced produce, soy beans wasn't always an option in Ireland and anything that did make it to your local market was ****ing expensive due to the difficulties in shipping. You're right it's no longer a necessity, which is precisely why we're taking strides to change it, people do still believe you need meat for a healthy diet and you're asking people to switch to eating stuff they're really not used to eating. People have become used to buying slabs of meat wrapped in plastic, they've eaten meat all their lives thinking nothing of it, bring them to a butcher house on the other hand and they'll soon lose their appetite. It is illogical, people generally have no qualms about buying packaged meat but they wouldn't eat anything they've seen been killed or they wouldn't eat anything that resembles the animal it came from (variety meats/whole fish). I don't see how this justifies the emancipation of beastiality.
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