Music Banter - View Single Post - can someone explain to me again why grime isn't rap?
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Old 12-18-2014, 07:57 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Grime is a form of electronic dance music.

Rapping is something you do. Most Grime MC's vocal a range of music but that doesn't mean Grime isn't it's own genre. Plus actual Hip-Hop has always been on the mix CD's.

All of the MC's are shit anyway and don't define the genre.

Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth View Post
random british people on youtube seem to care. and i agree about 'styles.' that's how i see grime too but i am really not as familiar with it. it just seems like they're pretending they invented something new when really they just tweaked rap music just like every other region that has embraced it.
Well, they did...

Grime can mean two things.

Umbrella term for British made Hip-Hop which would include people like Giggs, or, the actual genre which would not.

The majority of people would go with the first one. You can't tell me records like Wiley's Ice Rink are 'rap' or not something completely new.

It's dance music.
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