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Old 06-03-2015, 06:54 PM   #74 (permalink)
John Wilkes Booth
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Originally Posted by WhateverDude View Post
Everyone cherry picks which parts of nature they wanna be involved with.
care to elaborate?

my pov is that pretty much everything we do is natural.. we're just advanced animals that developed a complex set of tools and behaviors

honestly though, what you're doing by placing some moral imperative against predation isn't just cherry picking nature... it's actually saying **** nature in general.

That's what building a society is.
poetic... but not really true. building a society is just a survival strategy, when you get right down to it.

The difference between human beings and other animals is that we have that privilege of choice.
i basically agree.. though i wouldn't word it the way you did necessarily.. i'd say the difference is that we're more intelligent and thus have a greater amount of strategies for survival.

I've said it a million times before here but imo, unless you really don't have an alternative, eating meat is just selfish.
all life is selfish.

You're saying you care more about what an animal tastes like than about their life. It's a really unattractive and basic behavior imo. There are so many alternatives that just get looked down on because, especially in america, they're not as readily if at all endorsed.
actually i'm just doing what humans evolved to do, i'm basically just taking nature as it is instead of trying to dress it up like some disney cartoon.

you can say eating meat/being selfish is unattractive. i say putting a moral imperative against the basic way that nature works is childish and deluded. it just shows a lack of appreciation for the world and a failure to cope with the nature of reality.

saying it's somehow different when humans eat meat 'cause we could choose not to' is just about the pettiest cause you could take up. it will reduce the actual amount of suffering in the world by an infinitesimal amount. it's just a way to pat yourself on the the back for accomplishing nothing while meaning well. like going without electricity for a day to 'fight global warming'

and i already know you'll probably come back with some you so cynical type ****... but honestly i don't even see it as negative. i just see it as reality. it's not always nice and pretty. sometimes it is. sometimes it's brutal. i'm at peace with that fact. are you?
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