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Old 05-10-2016, 09:04 PM   #1198 (permalink)
Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 2

I wasn't planning on my first comment being about politics on this forum. Nevertheless, here it goes. I don't get why people want to associate themselves with Donald Trump. You're just exposing your lack of intelligence by doing so. Sure, he's charismatic, entertaining and fun to listen to. It stops there, though. I mean this guy could be making the most important decisions in our country for four entire years. People need to seriously consider that.

Even looking past him being a racist, sexist and xenophobic fear-mongerer -- he has zero relevant experience, or any clue about foreign policy or international relations. He doesn't even have ideas. He just states what he will do in the most elementary ways. He wants to replace ObamaCare, for example, yet he has no alternative tax plan. In addition, he has already pissed off some of America's biggest allies, and he's JUST a candidate. So, just imagine what he will do if he's president. His plan to build a wall in Mexico is financially unfeasible on top of absurd, too. A lot of immigrants aren't even jumping over walls. They're digging tunnels.

I cannot think of one idea he brings to the table that is well-rounded, well-thought-out or remotely realistic, and any supporter of him HAS to like him for his personality. In no way, shape or form anyone who has even a small understanding of politics would want him near the White House.
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