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Old 09-30-2016, 01:17 PM   #3027 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Terrapin_Station View Post

Do you want me to do any of the others?
Of course not, because I'll do it for you:

He claimed a judge was biased because “he’s a Mexican”

How could this not be seen as anything but racist? Even Paul Ryan believes in that sentiment : “Claiming a person can’t do their job because of their race is sort of like the textbook definition of a racist comment,” House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said in a reaction to Trump’s comments, though he clarified that he still endorses the nominee. Whether you choose to believe that or not, the odds are against you. Sorry. inb4 you tell me Mexican isn't a race.

Next. The Justice Department sued his company ― twice ― for not renting to black people

Without admitting wrongdoing, the Trump Management Corporation settled the original lawsuit two years later and promised not to discriminate against black people, Puerto Ricans or other minorities.
The lawsuit charged that the company quoted different rental terms and conditions to black rental candidates than it did with white candidates, and that the company lied to black applicants about apartments not being available. Trump called those accusations “absolutely ridiculous” and sued the Justice Department for $100 million in damages for defamation.
If I have to spell that one out to you, there's a problem.

Next. In fact, discrimination against black people has been a pattern in his career.

because managers would remove African-American card dealers at the request of a certain big-spending gambler.
African-American is a race, by the way. This was done at the Trump Plaza Hotel.

“When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,”
“It was the eighties, I was a teen-ager, but I remember it: they put us all in the back.”
^Stated by someone that worked at Trump's castle.

Next. He refused to condemn the white supremacists who are campaigning for him

By Feb. 29, Trump was saying that in fact he does disavow Duke, and that the only reason he didn’t do so on CNN was because of a “lousy earpiece.” Video of the exchange, however, shows Trump responding quickly to Tapper’s questions with no apparent difficulty in hearing.
^Self explanatory.

Next. He questions whether President Obama was born in the United States

President Obama has proved multiple times with his birth certificate, but Trump can't seem to drop it. It was even shown in the debate that he can't let it go.

Next. He treats racial groups as monoliths

Virtually every time Trump mentions a minority group, he uses the definite article the, as in “the Hispanics,” “the Muslims” and “the blacks.”
Self explanatory.

"Even when Trump has dropped the definite article “the,” his attempts at praising minority groups he has previously slandered have been offensive."

Next. He trashed Native Americans, too

“they don’t look like Indians to me... They don’t look like Indians to Indians.”
^Describing them by the way they look is blatant racism whether you like it or not.

Shall I continue?
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