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Thread: Arctic Monkeys
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Old 01-26-2006, 04:33 PM   #117 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Expletive Deleted
Most of Takk... bored me to tears. As does most of Sigur Ros' music. And you really shouldn't complain about the song not starting when EitS and Sigur Ros are part of an entire genre that's almost built around long instrumental songs.

And Xiu Xiu are far more talented then most of the bands the NME writes about. Sure, a lot of the songs are just throwaway experimental shit, but when Xiu Xiu gets it right you can't deny that they're really fucking good.

P.S. I hope you're in the middle of a really nice dream around the time the songs hits 7:20.
hahaha...funny...but by that time i would have been in such a deep sleep that that little attempt of a monumental sound couldn't possibly bother me....

anyways, agree to disagree......

sigur ros>>EitS
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