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Old 05-23-2017, 05:51 AM   #9222 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by LoathsomePete View Post
The 660 is listed as the minimum GPU so you could probably get it to work with everything turned down to low and a few of the .ini file fixes.
I know, it's been listed as the minimum for a ton of games for years, and most of the time the game is perfectly playable, sometimes even better - for example the Witcher 3, on a "minimum" gpu, ran pretty well most of the time in full hd and medium details. Similarly fallout 4 or ME:Andromeda.

Thing is, this is a mp game. I can always load a save game in the witcher, here dying because the computer decided to choke suddenly... that actually makes me violent sometimes ;P
I'll probably just sit on the sidelines, watching this game for a while...
And I'll keep playing World of Warships in the meantime
Speaking of which
Anyone here playing too ? or at least somewhat interested ?
I think I posted about it in this thread before, but I don't see why I couldn't do it again.
WoWs is a game about.. warships. Duh. Thing is , unlike for example World of Tanks, or practically any other military game with vehicles of some kind, that isn't a simulator - this game doesn't require twitch shooting, quick reflexes, being able to 360noscope headshots or whatnot - it rewards planning, patience, knowledge of your enemy and what you can do.
Now don't get me wrong, there is a lot of skill involved in actually hitting the enemy, especially at long range or if he's actively maneuvering to avoid you, but that comes with time.
Also, as someone who tested out a lot of mmo/f2p games, this one has a surprisingly good business model - you actually don't have to spend money on it if you don't want to and you still get to experience the best it has to offer.
The grind is also not as painful, compared to World of Tanks getting subsequent ships, earning the xp and money neded takes roughly half as long as it did with tanks, so there's that.
Here's the cinematic trailer

And an all in engine one
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