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Old 08-27-2017, 01:01 PM   #79 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Nah, MIA is a pop artist with hip hop mixed in. What do and don't you like about hip hop? I think it's one of the more restricted genres of music out there, but it's still pretty diverse because every genre is probably.
I've just seen her categorized as hip hop many times, but every site might have it's own opinion about an artist. I often disagree with Allmusic's categorizations, for example, even if if they're sort of the IMDB of music.

The basic template of hip hop is just incredibly dull to me: Looped beats with mostly rhythmically oriented vocals tracks on top. Often very little in the way of key changes or any notable chord changes. Low on melody too, although it can appear. When hip hop gets a bit more interesting, it's usually through vocal manipulation and weirder sampling. The problem is that soundscapes, beats and lyrics aren't what I love about music. I'm very big on melody, chord structures, key changes, forward moving song structures... exactly the things hip hop mostly ignores.

EDIT: Plus I tend to like traditional singing the most. There are exceptions, but my favorite singers tend towards artists with a trained voice, several octave vocal span, ability to consistently hit the right notes, etc.
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