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Old 03-31-2018, 05:15 PM   #7749 (permalink)
mayor of spookytown
Chiomara's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 812

1. What is your favourite kind of pie?
Blackberry caramel-y apple pie (I've never had it, and it's not a thing that exists but I'm pretty sure it would be my #1 favorite-- ooh or maybe a chocolate-y caramely pear pie/tart of some kind), chocolate bourbon pecan, or chocolate cream pie, buttermilk pie/chess pie, butternut squash pie (any sort of custard pie, really), and also cherry. These are all my favorite pies; I cannot choose one.

2. Would you steal if you knew you could get away with it and if so what is the limit in terms of value?
An illuminated manuscript. Or an organ (a pipe organ, that is)

3. What is the funniest thread on MB past or present?
They all inevitably become tedious, so it's hard to say. Can't remember the ones I've found funniest so far.

4. Where do you stand on the death penalty? For/against?

5. Do you have any fetishes?
No, not exactly, but I have a thing for priest outfits. (Thanks to the evil priest character in Carnivale) And sea captain ghosts, obviously. I'm sure there are other things but thankfully I can't remember them right now.

6.What do you think happens when we die?
Well, when I die in my dreams, I drift into some in-between realm that's sort of superimposed over this one (the living appear as dim flame-like orbs floating around). Once there, I feel connected to some very strange and enormous thing (a collective mind of sorts) which communicates with me constantly, and sometimes I grow extra limbs or eyes before becoming this whirring, iridescent and rather large-- roughly as large as a tree?-- amorphous and fast moving spirit-blob. Occasionally, things will attempt to pull me out of it and trap me in a dark, windy void so that they can use me as a battery for nefarious purposes.
..So, yeah, that sounds about right. You become a spirit-blob with too many eyes and then fight archons and/or Tibetan buddhist demons in a wind tunnel.
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