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Old 08-07-2018, 06:22 AM   #9 (permalink)
Slavic gay sauce
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Originally Posted by Chiomara View Post
So does anyone else think that Taylor Swift is secretly a lesbian/professional beard? I get major gay vibes from her, in part due to her whole PR narrative (especially when comparing her to Chely Wright, the previously closeted country singer)
First of all, hello mature, eloquent and insightful person, thank you for being a member of MB and for saving a thread that was going to hell real fast.

Second, I never though about it before you mentioned it, although she does seem a bit tomboyish. I would hope that in 2018 she wouldn't have to hide though. So hopefully not, because that would just be a little sad.

The LGBT movies on netflix are a trainwreck for the most part. (I really wanted to like Blue Is the Warmest Color, but in the end it was just your average indie mumblecore type film but with lesbian sex thrown in. I mean, I liked it, but it wasn't amazing)
In Europe, we'd just call that an "art film". I don't remember much about it, apart from "the sex scene" and generally terrific performances, but I found I liked Carol better. Ironically, it was "warmer"? for me.

Good LGBT films are extremely difficult to find in general though, not just netflix. Depends on your preferences of course, I for example, didn't care at all for Call me by your name even though most people were fawning over it (even Ivory had an issue with its puritanical approach to gay intimacy DESPITE being directed by a gay man, probably because he's an Italian gay man).

Most LGBT films either suffer from lackluster performances (difficult to find good gay actors or believable straight actors playing gay characters), low budget or throwaway silly storylines when they try to go for a more "mainstream" appeal.

And obviously lesbian, bi and trans content is even harder to find than gay so...

Still some classics to choose from, not on netflix maybe...
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