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Old 08-25-2018, 02:09 PM   #47 (permalink)
The Batlord
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Originally Posted by GetOffMyLawnKid View Post
Derivative, catchy songwriting, and big choruses then goes off to mention their very downtempo pop that sounds like PVRIS, All Time Low, Hey Violet, and 20 other female-fronted bands. Meh.
I'm pointing to that song as being better than the "rocky" ones because it doesn't try to be something it's not.

You're attempting to argue something that doesn't logically make sense and is extremely uniformed. Posing as a rock or punk band is irrelevant to what it has been critically established as or sounds like. Rock/Punk Pop is a genre. No matter how you try and spin it that genre sounds nothing like popular music of today. I still wonder if you can properly decipher modern pop. Pop is not just catchy - it literally stands for POPULAR music. I named numerous popular artist of today who have had major success to assist you.

Beatles, Bowie, or The Kinks doesn't define the sound of today's pop nor were they strictly pop. I named the defining modern pop acts - which is what Paramore should be compared too.
So is pop a genre with musical qualities that can be defined or is it just popular music? Cause if it's just popular music then Staind is and always has been pop music. Strictly speaking everything that isn't formal music, folk, or avant garde is "popular music". So we must be talking about the other definition of pop music, right? It's a hard to define genre certainly but I call shenanigans on Paramore not being pop.

Not only are bands like Good Charlotte not female-fronted bands their sound isnt comparable. I didn't even claim Paramore to be great, I answered the question. The first two albums are stylistically different than the rest of their discography and the majority of their fans blasted them for it. I didn't lie, I didn't make up something. Their sound totally changed. Those first two albums sound nothing like the rest and most hated it. What's so hard to understand?
You're right. Paramore are closer to Avril Lavigne than Good Charlotte.

It's Been Awhile doesn't relate to country and you once again tried to pick-and-choose the slowest song on an album and tried to compare. Terrible.
It's a cheesy ballad that could very easily have been reworked a bit and ended up on a modern country album.

No hard feelings but I just can't with you. This will be my last reply about such a trivial thing. I came here to share music and learn of artist I may not have been acquainted with before. Not to debate someone who can't define or know the difference between genres much less debate it or try to belittle anything I listen to.
I'm also the only one who bothered really discussing this with you, but if you'd rather stick your head in the sand to drown out naysayers then wuyagunado?
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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