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Old 09-02-2018, 01:01 AM   #22031 (permalink)
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Watched these recently:

Knife in the Water

In order to sell this movie, publishers are clearly trying to pass it off as some sort of murderous thriller, but it's not. It's a low key drama between three characters where, between the lines, a battle of two male egos is taking place throughout the movie.

It finally escalates near the end of the movie, but things don't go quite like genre expectations might have you think.

Well made in every way. I enjoyed it fairly much, but two things were in the way: 1) my DVD version dropped a lot of the subtitles, so it was hard to follow at times (they don't speak English), 2) feels a slight bit like a drag during the first half where it's very unclear where any of this is going. It really feels like it has no plot at all at times. But I think I was just expecting something else. I'll probably like it better next time, now that I know what manner of film this is.

I chose the alternately titled, alternate cover above since it maybe reveals how this weird ass movie is supposed to be read. It plays out like a sort of absurdist comedy, where our distressed heroine receives asylum at a mansion full of odd, rich people. It's a very ribald movie with no small amount of sexual suggestiveness and nudity. The movie plays out like a dream, in that the logic of the actions of these characters never really clicks together 100% and there's just so many odd scenes and intentionally bizarre mannerisms and spoken lines.

The movie breaks the 4th wall big time in the very last scene. It's gonna be worth watching if you like movies that are really about the art of film to begin with.

It's interesting how, despite being a movie that spends quite a bit of time on t&a and lewd jokes, it's very beautifully shot and well acted. Some scenes had a real dream like quality to them and I actually liked the movie fairly much. It kind of makes the fact that it makes very little sense into a virtue.

All About Eve
I loved this movie! Probably the best Oscar best picture winner I've ever seen. I'm generally not very impressed with Oscar winners, but this one was smart, snappy, funny and observant about the behaviors of different sorts of people. The lead actors do a fantastic job for this sort of movie. It's not played for realism, but for a sort of energetic melodrama that works great for a drama comedy with such sharp lines. Got a bit heavy handed with the script in just a couple scenes, but it's overall a movie that deserves all the praise it's gotten over the years.

Now I really want to catch up with some more old Hollywood movies.
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