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Old 12-01-2018, 11:16 PM   #105 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by windsock View Post
LMAO Frown please be my guest and debunk religion right here and now. Totally. With complete, indisputable, verifiable proof to boot. You'd be saving the human race a great deal of hardship it's gone through since we gained cognizance.

The truth is you can't disprove the existence of a deity because of how slippery of a concept it is.

"Well how do you explain lightning, Christian?"


When the power of god, aka magic comes into play, literally every scientific concept gets thrown out of the window. And you can't disprove it because of how incredibly intangible it is. There's a reason that such a large amount of the Earth's population is religious, because you can't just walk up to them and say "you're wrong because of 1 2 and 3 and there's absolutely no logical reasoning, fanciful or otherwise, that can disprove me" because the concept of religion is inherently disprovable.

The essential argument against religion, putting aside the countless upon countless piles of scientific evidence to say the contract, is occam's razor. The reason people are atheists is because when they're faced with the concept of an uncaring and chaotic universe and a mythological magical sky daddy, they're likely to shave Yaweh off.
Because being infalsifiable makes Christianity equatable to atheism, right? Flying spaghetti monster blah blah blah it's a weak false equivalency that you're invoking.
Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.

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