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Old 01-02-2021, 08:30 PM   #3466 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Considering how much money they happily print for the military and rich people both in the last recession and this one I think it amounts to dicksucking to assume they couldn't have done the same for the working class to keep us at home. I mean they wouldn't need to print all that money for rich folk if they just gave it to poor folk who'd have to pay it to their landlords anyway.
oh I don't disagree it's technically doable but practicably speaking... In order to shut the economy down.. you're talking about a consistent ubi check not just a stimulus every now and then. That's not an avenue the politicians in america will go down. They don't wanna give people the taste of free money. Even Bernie sanders and AOC probably wouldn't be willing to introduce that sorta UBI. So we're talking a complete pipe dream. In the meantime... We rely on the economy to not collapse.

And@OH saying it wouldn't happen... It collapsed in 2008 when everything seemed to be going good just based on some bad investments. Even worse in 1929. You're telling me if we closed down most businesses and just waited for the virus to pass you don't think that could cause a similar type of depression?

Last edited by jwb; 01-02-2021 at 08:38 PM.
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