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Old 03-30-2021, 09:02 AM   #10079 (permalink)
Lisnaholic to hear...
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: He lives on Love Street
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1. What is your favourite natural feature, ie trees, mountains, lakes, whatever?
You can't really have mountains without valleys, and if there's a lake in the valley, that's an added bonus. Here's a ridge I once walked along:

2. What do you think/believe is the most threatened single aspect of nature?
Rather spoilt for choice with this one: probably the big mammals already mentioned, as their habitat is squeezed out by that weird bi-pedal mammal with no fur that you see everywhere these days.
Also, any fish that is unlucky enough to taste good when fried in batter; they are being fished to extinction.

3. Tree-hugger, Stuff the Environment, Shrug or Do What I Can As Long As I Don't Have To Do Much?

Like most of us here, I'm in TH's last category. At least I have improved my packaging/recycling habits compared to how they used to be.

4. What's your favourite tree and why?

This tree is a native of Africa, but it has been successfully introduced to Mexico and can be seen planted along many residential avenues:

Spanish pronunciation: "flam bo yan", google spelling, "Flamboyant" , lexical connection to the adjective "flamboyant" to be sorted out one day, I promise.

(Good call on the Banyan Tree too, jwb)

5. Do you think logging helps or hinders the environment?

My instinctive answer is "hinders", though some sustainable stuff does go on too. Rather hypocritically, the grassy hills in my top photo were deforested during the industrial revolution, and let's face it, all those trees must've really spoilt the view.
So my message to Bolsinaro is uequivocal: Stop doing what we did!

6. What in your opinion is the biggest "crime against nature" in the last, say, 20 years?

After Marie's answer, () I imagine it's the deforestation of the Amazon, or the continued worldwide pumping out of greenhouse gasses
"Am I enjoying this moment? I know of it and perhaps that is enough." - Sybille Bedford, 1953
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