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Old 05-13-2006, 05:29 PM   #160 (permalink)
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Bush - First things first, HE IS A SUCKY SPEAKER.

ahh.. now that I got that out there are a few pretty good things about him:
1. I like his ideas and plans on war, they are much more realistic and well organized than the contrary (Kerry).

2. Most of his plans include a quick fix and a good long term role also. (No Child Left Behind)

3. If we didn't invade Iraq, it would have just put off our (probable future) strike at Iran further. (now we basically control their neighbor)

4. Compared to prices around the world, our oil prices kick-ass, in part because we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan.

5. Patriot Act - to me kinda wasteful, like trying to keep illegals out of the US, it is a good idea, in theory, but never really made it. And, for the stupid people out there that think the government really wants to spend there money learning what you like to do, pull your head out of your asses.

6. On Katrina - I think that Bush did a pretty nice job, people just got pissed because they lost most of what they had. (I would have been pissed too.)

7. The one thing that I hate about Bush, HE DOESN"T LIKE STEM CELL RESEARCH! If you want to kill a baby by obortion, at least put it to good use for saving other's lives.

ahh.. comments and political wars are fun..
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