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Old 02-22-2007, 08:50 AM   #79 (permalink)
Dinosaurus Rex!!!
A_Perfect_Sonnet's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Winchester, VA
Posts: 896

You are an idiot. Here's what will happen:

1) Assuming ANY record company whatsoever want to sign you (big maybe), you will go into the studio where they will force you to write an album in a short amount of time. You have already said it takes you months to write music, so this is where your problems will begin.

2) As you write the album you will be hyped by the record company as the "next big thing", building up your image and sound before even releasing a song.

3) The first song you get mastered with ultimately become your single, and people will either let you drop off, or buy your album based on that one song. Ultimately they will probably be disappointed either way.

4) You and your petty dreams of making a bunch of money and banking on the fact that people are idiots who want to listen to the same generic music over again will fall through the cracks, and you'll be cast back into obscurity with stories to tell of "I used to be in ________." Nobody will care.

By all means continue living your fantasy, but you're not some prophetical lyricist/musician, you are just another cookie-cutter wannabe.
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