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Old 05-04-2007, 03:59 AM   #32 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post

Yes but it goes both ways.
People just churn out the same names over & over again parrot fashion.It's like some people just got their whole music taste from a 'best albums of all times list'. There's no thought , no originality or no experimentation in these lists. The kind of people who are scared to call anything after 1980 a classic album (Although if they're really adventurous they might mention Nevermind , The Queen Is Dead & Doolittle). The kind of people who complain that music isn't as good as it used to be in the 60s & 70s while they listen to Night At The Opera for the millionth time instead of looking for new classics.

A lot of classic albums do nothing for me , you mention the White Album .... well I can see the Beatles influence in music I can see why it's a classic , after all it is the biggest band in the world not restricting themselves to 3 minute pop songs & experimenting with all sorts of things. Do I think it's a classic? Well no actually, I think only half of it is listenable & i'd much rather listen to Freak Out by Frank Zappa instead. But in my opinion the only reason it is a classic is because it's The Beatles , based on the actual content of the album I doubt it would get even a fraction of that attention had it been made by another band.I don't think that opinion makes me ignorant ,it just means i'm taking the album at face value.

To use your fish analogy , what is his fish recipe is the same one he's been doing for 40 years and you want to try something newer.
You're missing the point. Whether you or like it or not, some albums are considered classics, and legendary. Albums such as the White Album and Nevermind, and Master of Puppets are classic albums due to their effect on music in every sense of it's existence. (We're talking culture, the art itself in some cases).

Albums like these transcend opinion and enter into factual territory. It's like saying that Michael Jordan isn't one of the greatest basketball players of all time. Michael Jordan IS one of the greatest basketball players of all time. It's a fact. The White Album IS a legendary album. It's a fact. Surely no one is stopping you from having an opinion, I mean - they are like a$$holes, everyone's got one.

But I assure you- if you speak to someone who is without the posit of being trendy or cool, and you tell them The White Album is meh - and it's not a great album - you are going to look ignorant. And in fact, that is ignorance speaking. It would be similar to you having a strong opinion about particle based thermo-nuclear dynamics... (assuming you know little about this subject)- yes you may have an opinion on it - but it's not educated.

I agree with you on some level though. I believe people should look for new music. I think that the kind of people who are afraid to recognize new accomplishments in the field are ridiculous. But why should they come on here and be a poseur and talk about some new, indie band and their favorite four albums by them? Do I expect these people to alter their choices to impress me?

But when people come on here and start calling somebody lame because they enjoy Metallica or RHCP b/c and stuff, that kinda bs actually makes me stop wanting to post here sometimes. You coming on here as mod and calling them mindless parrots is even worse. Because they like something that many other people like- they are automatons? What kind of musical environment are you promoting here? To me it seems like unless you are a staunch indie loving, brit pop worshiping - people don't respect you here.

I've seen people come on here and maybe their favorite album is AC/DC's Back in Black and then they are immediately bombarded by INSULTS! They "don't know anything about -muuussiiic-" I try to hold my tongue a lot but it really has gotten out of hand. What happens is that you create a certain I'm better than you because I listen to <enter awesome band here> community. That sucks.

Sorry I ranted.
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