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Old 01-25-2005, 04:14 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Ft. Myers, Florida
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Originally Posted by Hung In Rent (Molasses)
Yes you can mock me and call me weak and stupid, and you might think that eating meat and diary is natural. But is it? Is sucking off a cow's tit natural? no. But squeezing into a bucket and then drinking it is? Why is it right to kill pigs and cows, yet sick to kill the next-door neighbours dog, fluffy.

My Question is, where do humans draw the line? You don't have the heart to kill an animal, or strangle a chicken yet you are a constant consumer or red meat and poltry, why can't you kill an animal yet happily go down to the store to buy it's pre-packeged remains? How many of you have stood out in a paddock and shot your dinner? This is what you call the scavenger theory.

In today's sociaty it is unnatural to kill. Therefore unnatural to eat meat. There is no evidence that humans were born to eat other animals, we don't have claws or fangs or ability to run after antelope, a grasing antelople wouldn't even fear us, we are harmless creatures. Yet somehow flesh of an animal is too important to skip from our lives.

Anyone here that would love to work at the slaughter house? Why not? That's where your lovely delicious meals come from, you eat it everyday, it wouldn't be too different from working in the candy store, right?

Much of this is due to today's ignorence. Sure it was fine back 1000 years ago, where everyone had to kill their own meals, back then you could see the intestines fly and blood slpurt in your face, there's nothing wrong with eating a nice cooked cow after a long hard day slaughtering animals, and why wouldn't ya? Mmm, tatses like McDonalds. There is one thing that seperates us from now and 1000 years ago: intelligence. The same thing that seperates us from wolves and lions. We are smart enough to live without going as low as killing, why don't we take advantage of that?

As for animal cruelty, that's another story. This is the almightly scavenger theory. There is also a poll.

lol if i had my essy still on my comp that idid on vegans i would post it. i should get it back from the teacher soon and ill post it for u.
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