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Old 08-19-2007, 05:31 PM   #142 (permalink)
Dinosaurus Rex!!!
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People have opinions and it's okay to discuss them but don't consider it an affront to the board when a mod actually says something that may upset people. It's ridiculous to think that someone could say something that everyone would agree with.

Words like "technical" and "skill" are truly subjective. Dream Theatre and Dragonforce can jack off their guitars all day and call them rock operas and one person could consider it superior and the other would say it was just a bunch of dudes tremolo picking on scales with some random sweeps thrown in. It's not impossible to evoke emotion and play a technical riff at the same time. Many screamo/emo or hardcore bands have some pretty impressive guitarists. An unrelated example could be a musician such as SRV, but even then someone could get nothing out of his playing while I see it as highly involved emotionally.

It could be dumb to try and place only specific ideals into genres and say bands in said genres must have some or even any of them to qualify in that genre.
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