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Old 02-19-2005, 11:44 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Yeah, this got me thinking about all these other mindf*cks as I like to call them. Lot's of people have said that the universe just doesn't end, and I can accept that. But the other theory is that it's expanding, but, if it's expanding, then there must be something to expand into, but that something must be nothing. It's that nothing that completely baffles me, like no space, or time, but somehow the universe that has a sense of space and time is expanding into it. So somehow the universe was created and is now expanding, I reason that movement determines time, so the expansion of the universe creates our sense of time. But then there's that whole "crunch" theory, where the universe will actually contract, so at that point would time just reverse? and if that were the case would it just reverse back to it's origin, then start expanding again, and just go in an infinite cycle? What if that were the case, that the universe is just going in an infinite cyle of expansion and contraction, and time just goes forward and back again. Would history repeat itself every time? or would something tiny and minute differ every time that would cause each new expansion of the univers to be wildly different? not sure if any of that made any sense, but yeah, mindf*ck. On the subject of time, that got me thinking about time travel. so if this was possible, do you think you'd be able to alter the future by changing what you did in the past if you went back in time? I was thinking about this today, and i'm not sure it would work like that. I kind of started to think of it as past, present, and future all existing at the same time. if you've traveled from the future, then that means that when you're in your past, your future has already happened (seeing as how you just came from it), so in a sense your future is also your past, so you can't alter it, it's already happened. So if that was true, then maybe if you traveled back in time, you wouldn't have the ability to change the future, because somewhere, it's already happened. Again, no clue if any of that made sense, but it's just fun to mess with your head. Ok, just a few more mind bending things to think about. Ok, so I don't want to turn this into a debate about weather or not god exists, but lets say he/she/it does. Let's also assume that god made everything, the universe, any other universes, just everything. So then what made god? nothing, god was always there, just always, always there. I can't even wrap my mind around that, like there was absolutely nothing before god, and who knows how long he/she/it existed before the universe was created. On that note, we can't even imagine how long god has existed, because before the universe was created there was no measure or sense of time. And if the universe created the sense of time, then it must have created the sense of space as well, since before the universe, there was no space. So where did god exist before the universe was created? there was just nothing to exist IN. ok now that I've effectively f*cked my mind up, I'm gonna read jesus's thread about pie.
What you've done becomes the judge of what you're going to do -- especially in other people's minds. When you're traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.
William Least Heat Moon, Blue Highways

Your toughest competitor lives in your head. Some days his name is fear, or pain, or gravity. Stomp his ass.

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