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Old 03-07-2004, 07:41 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by banonbush
First, who said anything about confusing? I don't know where you pulled that from (nor do I want to know) but you don't have to be able to know what emotion was fealt, jus that there is in fact emotion there. Duh. Secondly, no, the words are not deep. I give you that some bands do come up with very artistic ways to express their feelings, but that is not the case for the majority of the genre. Next, the middle of your post is just gabbering filler, so I won't say anythign to that. And finally, if you think lyrical content deems music into its genres, then you shouldn't be listening to music. I could play some punk song (or whatever other genre you wish) and in one version sing about killing the president, and then the next time sing about going to the bar. Just because I change what the song is about, doesn't mean I changed the song/genre. If you were to take the words out of all music, you could still classify all of it correctly because of one thing, it being my major point. Lyrics have nothing to do with the genre of MUSIC. It is in fact the MUSIC that deviates what kind of MUSIC it really is.
frist of all i think you should be more open to genres of music that you personally dont like. just becasue you don't connect with the music doesn't make it crap. secondly, lyrics are a HUGE part of the identity of the song. the lyrics are what the listener is able to connect to. lyrics about things that actually matter, that actually make people feel, is what separates a good song from a great song. case in point, take something like good charlotte vs. brand new. both artists are decent musically (i'm just using gc as an example, and personally i think brand nre kicks their ass lyrically and musically) but gc's lyrics are crap. simple rhyming lines about rich people whining. who the **** can relate to that? it means nothing. now compare that to brand new. on one album they convey pain, depression, sacrifice, regret, these topics trigger our own thoughts on the matter, and bring out our own experiences. in my opinion, if you say that lyrics don't matter, then you really dont appreciate musicians. bands are so much more than a group of people playing instruments in harmony. they're poets, they speak to the public about thigns that they are passionate about. bands that last, that have a real impact, are bands that really believe in what they are singing about, and really feel it as they are singing it. and for the most part, emo artists do just that.
What you've done becomes the judge of what you're going to do -- especially in other people's minds. When you're traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.
William Least Heat Moon, Blue Highways

Your toughest competitor lives in your head. Some days his name is fear, or pain, or gravity. Stomp his ass.

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