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Old 03-22-2009, 01:19 PM   #105 (permalink)
Yukon Cornelius
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I have kids and I will spank them if they have done something wrong. I was raised that way and I think that its O.K.. I'm not talking about beating them silly just enough to where its not worth doing whatever it was they were doing again.

Originally Posted by Voice_of_the_Soul12,13,01 View Post
I chose unacceptable, but to be honest, it's kinda vague what you mean by "physical punishment."

If by a light spanking, then I'd find it acceptable, just as it isn't overused. I was spanked, and while I didn't like it, it has shaped me into the man I am today. I can understand why some parents would be reluctant to do it, but seriously, I've seen alot of really unbelievably spoiled children mouthing off to their parents and knocking **** over in the store I work in. Not saying they should spank them there and now, but if it is a sample of how they behave at home, I'd say that warrants a spanking.

Now, if by "physical punishment" you mean using the threat of a beating as a deterent, then I find it unacceptable. If you beat your kids for every wrong thing they do, all you're doing is teaching them that violence is the only solution to every problem in the world. Even so much as using a belt I'd find repulsive; you don't need a weapon to raise your kids.

Now, I know I'm not a parent (trust me, have gotten no pussy, unfortunately), but it doesn't take being a parent to know how impressionable children can be.

Sometimes humiliation is needed as well. You cant let your kids think that just because you have gone into a store means they can act up.

Also just to spit this out there if you don't have kids STFU. Your opinion is worthless, you have no idea.
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