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Old 07-12-2009, 02:46 PM   #199 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
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Originally Posted by Miltamec Soundsquinaez View Post
Jesus, have you skeptics even been reading the posts in this forum?

Veridical, at nowhere in that video did D.W. say the world is going to come to an end. I'll give you credit for at least trying to watch the video, although, since you resorted to name calling within 2 sentences of your critique, it really shows how open minded and objective you were willing to be on him.

I don't think the world's going to end in 2012, and neither does the guy in that video. I guess all of you who are so ravenously maligning any theories regarding 2012 are obviously scared that something might happen in 2012. Otherwise, you'd just skip over this thread. There are more theories than just the doomsday ones. Also, DH is right, it's only the end of the Mayan calendar, and they never said it would be the end of the world. Mayan elders have said those codices have been skewed and twisted by modern interpreters. All, I'm saying is the science of it is pretty freaky. After the initial terror that the world might come to an end, you turn to optimism. I find a lot of optimism in the video The 2012 Enigma. Veridical, obviously you don't see it that way. People will believe what they want to believe. You already made your mind up about the video before you watched it.

Please get your facts straight before you come on here trying to make us 2012 believers look like conspiracy nuts, when you guys don't even seem to know what you're talking about.
Dude... Ok, maybe I just assumed that since the video seems to be about 2012, that the implications were, in fact, that the world would be coming to an end.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if 2012 is just a date and all you people are "believing" in is just a number with some astrological phenomena attached (which I'd more readily agree with), then what's the big fucking deal?
If that's what you're pushing, what's next... start a cult conspiracy about the fact that water is clear in its natural state?
Give me a break.

The David guy, I can't even figure out what the hell his point was.
MY point was that regardless of whether that idiot thinks the world is going to end in 2012 or not... if you lend credibility to the crap that guy thinks he knows, you're just as delusional as he is. It's proven when you can watch those videos and extrapolate some kind of meaning from it, not to mention being able to sit through all of it with a straight face.
Seriously... where did you go to school, the Koresh compound?

Btw... I wasn't actually trying to be objective. My mind was made up before I watched the videos, back when this stupid 2012 crap came out. I was hanging the video out to dry, Einstein.
Yea, I resorted to making fun of the guy within 2 minutes of watching the first video... I think he deserved every bit of it, and I probably went easy on him.
In fact, if you have any kind of theory as to what the hell it is you're actually "believing in", I would like to hear it so I can cut it all down and make some good jokes in the process.

Don't come to a logical environment with that bullshit and complain about the resulting friction.

Last edited by Freebase Dali; 07-12-2009 at 02:57 PM.
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