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Thread: The Avalanches
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Old 08-26-2009, 06:43 PM   #34 (permalink)
mr dave
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i think it's because electronic music tends to move at a difference pace than the pop/rock most people are used to dealing with. the artists aren't pushed for commercial success nearly as much and can take more time between releases leading to longer careers and greater time spent within the collective attention span of the music listening public.

just like any other 'new' thing the first thing to crop up are the imitators who will eventually fall to the side. striking the proper balance when making electronic music is also very crucial, too much hard rock and you sound like a NIN / ministry clone. not enough variation to your beat and you sound like any other faceless house DJ from any dance hall out there.

it's not so much that the 00s are disappointing so much as they haven't become distinguished yet. then again it's hard to distinguish yourself when absolutely everything is now available at your fingertips. musical obscurity only exists as a reflection of a listener's desire for attention.
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Originally Posted by bandteacher1 View Post
I type whicked fast,
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