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Old 10-03-2009, 03:27 AM   #362 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by toretorden View Post
I was commenting on 'don't reward them with video games'. Unless someone out there buys their kids games after they misbehave, I don't see how this applies in any way possible. Maybe I am missing whatever point you are trying to make here but a kid is most likely to have games in his room. Most people tend to send their kids to their rooms when they misbehave. I know I'm certainly not going to empty out their room everytime they get sent there.

You're suggesting here that the only other alternative "punishment" you can think of besides physical is sending kids to their room .. and that obviously won't work because they have video games and computers so it's not much of a punishment.

You conclude that's ridiculous .. But of course there are ways to actually punish kids without beating them. What's more ridiculous is that you don't acknowledge this in your post and so it looks like you don't know them at all.

...what the HELL? I don't get why you are coming to these conclusions. I just used myself as an example to show how I was raised. Like I said in my last post, I never said that it is the answer to the problem. I shared it because it worked for me. That in no way means it will work for everyone else. Stop taking it that way.

What was the purpose of mentioning the above if it wasn't to make a point that corporal punishment alters children's behaviour in a positive way? It's clear you have a bias in there and think that the general effect of corporal punishment is more well-behaved kids.
Oh, WOW, I said quite a few times now that I was just sharing my experience. Once again, I NEVER STATED THAT IT WORKS FOR EVERYONE. Every parent has their own form of punishment. I am just saying that the form I usually got is no longer very accepted in this day and age. I never said it was the only answer to a badly behaved child.

I'm reading and interpreting what you write. If you don't like how your posts come across, maybe it's you who should take care to word them better.
Nah, I think you're just being arrogant and finding a reason to feel superior here. I don't understand why you are arguing over a simple example. I never stated anything as a fact. I read some earlier posts in which people shared how they grew up so I shared mine. I know a lot of people who didn't get the belt and grew up good people. I never said getting a belt would make anyone proper. I was just personally scared to get it as a kid so I didn't want to do anything bad. It's my own personal experience. I was sharing that. I don't know how many times I have to say this.

There are plenty of ways to deal with a kid who is having a problem staying in line. Most parents choose to send them to their room. That is why I used that example with the video games and computers. Not every parent is going to sit down and have a talk with their kid or send them somewhere to learn how to behave or encourage them to do something to keep them out of trouble.

Seriously, relax. You're getting worked up over a personal experience and being rude for no reason at all. I never said anything about my upbringing being the only way a kid can grow up and be a good person. My older brother never got the belt and he's perfectly fine.

I'll expect another post in which you think you're elite while you break down my posts, assume I'm an idiot and continue to create an issue here that doesn't exist. Feel free to do so. I don't really feel like arguing with someone who flips out over a simple sharing of an experience but keep telling yourself that I infact stated that my experience works for everyone after I said a few times that it doesn't.

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