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Old 12-19-2009, 06:11 PM   #3 (permalink)
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An update on my ongoing fued with Katie19711.

Katie19711 opinion are answers no one is 100% correct, and the same goes for you. There is no scientific data to back up your claim or mine, just bias rhetoric.. on both parts.. but if you look at the majority of the responses on this page you will see who prevails.. "i said i believe", not speaking for others fool, so yes that is my answer..

Me I'm not talking about who won this fake rap battle. I'm talking about your idea that old school rap is better than everything else. Of course it might be better then what's on the radio today but the radio isn't the only place to hear music.

Me [why is Eminem so bad?]

Katie19711 because i don't like his rapping ability.. his voice, style, flow, techique do nothing for me.. pac and biggie had the voices, and beat they are the definition of what rap really is... today's rap can't compare and if you knew a little something about old school rap you might concur.. but your so close-minded that you can't see beyond your feet. i don't wear rose colored glasses... it is what it is.. em admitted big and pac rap better than him, now what?

Me Your actually calling me close-minded when I've already said I like Biggie and 2pac?

Katie19711 what's on the radio today is crap in my opinion.. i have seen these guys in concert, and they were my generation.. so i can compare because i was there for both... once again your argument is weak and has no substance so please love on em and broaden you horizons..

Me Yeah.... I agree there isn't much good hip-hop on the radio. That's why I've repeatedly said you can look underground. What the hell are you talking about "broaden my horizons?" The whole point of this bloody discussion is to get to the bottom of your dislike for modern hip-hop! Who's horizons need to be broadened? If you're actually suggesting I don't listen to so called old school hip-hop then believe me you're telling the wrong guy.

Katie19711 Your choice of music is obviously heavy metal, alternative rock according to your page..I happen to like Nirvana that was also my generation. I told you reaptedly why I don't like the new rap. The people that are spewing their lyrics for the most part are stealing from old school rap "jay-z", and they didn't live the "thug life"so to me there is no meaning behind the lyrics just made up crap.the beat, the flow, is not catchy.. it doesn't make me want to listen to it again once I have heard it

Katie19711 To me yes... What do you think?

Katie19711 Yes..that's what it mean to me.. name one new rapper better than old school?..

that's a big fat 0

[In response to my post about how Eminem released his first album in 97]

Katie19711 wrong first album 1999.. biggie was now who's wrong..

Me No, Slim Shady LP came out in 99. That's when he hit mainstream success. He was underground until then. Now who's wrong?

Katie19711 exactly..he wasn't  really known until 99.. duh!!! big was dead and so was pac...

Me: I'm done. Honestly I am just trying to help you. But hell if you're happy in your bubble then who am I to burst it? Peace love and empathy.
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