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Old 12-31-2009, 04:11 AM   #22 (permalink)
Al Dente
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Join Date: Mar 2005
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Well Mr. OP, sir, you do seem to be tilting at windmills so to speak.

What is the point that you're trying to make exactly, and whom are you directing that point toward? All of us young naive neophyte music enthusiasts who, of course, really need an esoteric history lesson on the origins of contemporary popular music and any adjunct racial baggage that may go along with it? I'll pass. It's old news buddy, something that many of us gave up dwelling on once we came to the stark, yet paradoxically beautiful realization that life goes on and that music evolves and perpetuates itself with or without the black man providing a barometric reading as to its future course.

Every so often we get the disgruntled late 30 to 40-something who feels the need come and wave their cane around at the new breed of whipper-snappers that just won't stay off his lawn. It then becomes my job to walk them back inside, calmly remind them to take their medication, and inform them that there's a Golden Girls marathon on TV Land, all while everyone else burns a pentagram on the lawn to roast their weenies over. I just don't want to see that to happen to you. I really like your lawn.

If that all sounds ridiculous it's because that being a member of this forum for almost 5 years has taught me that spewing such ridiculous nonsense is really my only line of defense in situations such as this. Logic and reasoning never culminate toward a mutual understanding, peaceful coexistence, or even an agreement to simply disagree. No, it just perpetuates that pedantic fudge river further and further down the hill...closer and closer to the village...closer to your lawn.

I just don't want to see that happen to you.

I really like your lawn.

Golden Girls is on.
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