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Old 03-07-2010, 01:51 PM   #2 (permalink)
MB quadrant's JM Vincent
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Originally Posted by The Monkey View Post
One needs only to have experiences of drugs of the very weakest kind to know that the human brain can very easily create things which aren't there, and what we perceive of the world in many cases is very far from what actually happens. The brain will create or amplify sensations, visions or sounds if we expect it to happen, and/or if we are tense. If you sleep over in an old house that you've been hold is haunted, and you during the night hear a mouse fart in the wall, you're gonna think it's haunted too.
Who's to say that drug induced hallucinations aren't real? Surely, they cannot be seen or felt in the "real" world, but I find it to be nothing but simple rationalization when everyone can disregard something simply because they took a drug. No one knows what the brain is doing when we modify the way it is functioning.

A popular theory amongst scientists studying the drug feel that DMT lets your mind peak into parallel worlds. This is the reason many see gnome or lizard creatures when they take it (different worlds mean different evolutionary paths).
Confusion will be my epitaph...
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