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Old 04-02-2010, 10:36 PM   #249 (permalink)
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Posts: 14

When I turned 18 I made the choice to become a vegatarian. My whole entire family laughed at me saying it was "stupid" and I wouldn't last a week. Well I have been going strong. I have written so many papers for school on why you should be a vegatarian that it's not even funny. Then they ask me "why" are you anti-huntiest and a vegatarian? Here is my answer:

I don't want to be the morgue of a dead animal. It is unhealthy to your body especally the 'red meats' and Dr. Oz reccomened to cut out meats from your diet. I've always been chubby and after cutting out meats, I have lost over 20 pounds and I am now thin. That and it isn't fair for animals to be slaughterd for food when it is sick to do that to a person. In my eyes animals are greater than people or atleast on the same level. I've gained more respect for animals then people because animals love you rich/poor, g ay/straight, black/white, brand-name clothing/cheap used clothes or wrong or right they don't care. They don't start rumors or back talk you. Most animals keep away from you and leave you alone unless they feel threatened. Hunters say animals need to be shot to reduce spred of dieases and over-population. Well please argue that to me whenever you fix the extremely over-populated world and people spreading dieases like Swine and common colds and illnesses. Shoot an animal for tresspassing, when people tresspass and shoot the people because its okay for animals? People argue back that you cannot compare animals to humans...they are right, animals are much smarter! If you are athiest then ignore this part but for believers in God, theres a huge section in there that states that animals are valued more. Who did God want saved during the Arch? 2 of each animal, and left the humans to be punished. I feel that animals are so innocient and humans just keep destroying this planet with their waste and hazard materials.

That is basically the speech I give my family each year they try getting me to eat meat and laugh at me. I believe in what I believe in and they believe how they do. There is no right for anyone to make fun of anyone for how they believe. I hand it though to Vegans, I couldn't handle not eating cheese or dairy products. This is hard enough
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